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Motorbike For Messengers


A motorcycle in the possession of the frontline worker means access to very distant, dangerous, and difficult-to-reach places. Many of these places are often inaccessible to public transportation.  Bicycles help, but elderly and disabled pastors struggle with performing ministerial duties on bicycles and are grateful for the benefits a motorcycle provides.


In situations where pastors have been in areas of persecution and were confronted by hostile crowds that had gathered to harass them, a motorbike is essential.  The pastors are especially vulnerable to attack at public transportation stations, where a crowd will quickly assemble to thwart ministry efforts and pose significant personal injury.  In such situations, frontline pastors need a way to escape quickly and safely.


With a basic motorcycle or moped, frontline workers in areas of persecution, will be able to expand their scope of ministry.  In addition to being a valuable evangelization tool, a motorcycle or moped will help these believers in emergency situations.  Time saving and safety in travel also means many more people will be discipled and evangelized.

The INVESTMENT:  $1,500