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Our Endorsements

PASTOR J. D. SURBAUGH Jr. Former pastor Temple Baptist Church, Madison Heights, Virginia


“Personally, I have traveled several times to India, the homeland of Alpha Ministries. I have seen firsthand the miraculous work of God in the midst of such oppression. In spite of the seemingly impossible situation, God is faithful to His word (“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”) Luke 18:27 . Alpha Ministries is alive with the working of God’s Spirit in presenting the gospel, training pastors and planting churches.
“Working side by side, I have seen Brother Bennie’s willingness to pay the price of leadership. Leadership exacts a price that many are unwilling to pay. It takes loneliness, weariness, abandonment of self and total commitment. Brother Bennie is that kind of leader. He sets the pace. He is willing to sacrifice for the ministry. His dedication is unquestioned.”


“World Help and Alpha Ministries have a shared vision to plant churches where no churches exist. We have partnered together to help children in need, build church buildings, provide Bibles and transportation for church planters and build wells that provide clean water.

“God is using Alpha Ministries to bring help and hope to hundreds of thousands of people across Asia. We are honored to partner with them in reaching our world for Christ.”

DR. VERNON BREWER Former President, World Help


“In 1995, I went to literally check out the integrity of Alpha Ministries. I did this by spending five days in the home of Bennie’s parents, Cherian and Grace Mathews. I wanted to see if our ministry should partner with them. What I found was evangelism and discipleship in the purest form with the highest integrity I have seen in any ministry.

“We were doing the same thing in Africa, but our ministry, Reaching Souls International, wanted to reach out to Asia. I have done the due diligence and have found Alpha Ministries worthy of your prayers and support. We have been supporting Alpha Ministries every year since. We have invested well.”

Former President, Reaching Souls International

DR. H. L. WILLMINGTON Former Dean, Willmington School of the Bible — Liberty University


“Brother Bennie continues the legacy of his parents who are church planting missionaries in Asia. In 1994, he resigned his job in the medical field in New York City to become involved in the work of Alpha Ministries. It was then that Dr. Jerry Falwell issued the invitation to Bennie to come to Lynchburg and train at the Willmington School of the Bible (formerly Liberty Bible Institute).

“During my 35 – plus years of teaching both American and international students at Liberty University, I can honestly say no one has demonstrated more zeal and compassion for his people than Brother Bennie. He has been a role model student, earning the respect of both his professors and peers. He lives and breathes the mission statement of Alpha Ministries– to make Christ known in places where they have never heard the Gospel, to mobilize natives to accomplish God’s global agenda among the least reached.“